The Word of God declares, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."

Deuteronomy 6:4-7

Rockwood First Baptist Church’s Children’s Ministry seeks to teach through learning, music, movement, and fun activities. Children’s Ministry activities guide our children from six weeks old through the 5th grade toward building a Biblical foundation rooted in the love and example of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our children can explore their faith and curiosity in age-appropriate lessons and activities throughout the year.

At Rockwood First Baptist, it is our prayer that by encouraging meaningful opportunities for growing a child’s faith and engaging peers in the process, these children will continue to pursue a life-long path of following Jesus. All of this is made possible through the service, dedication, and involvement of our Children’s Director, Sonya Storey, and our ministry servants, covered in prayer!

If you would like information about our children’s ministry, please email our Children’s Director Sonya Storey.



SUNDAYS, 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM

Ministering to children six weeks old to 5th grade, the Kingdom Kids Sunday School seeks to encourage the spiritual growth of the children who attend. Through lessons, videos, and activities, teachers seek to share the truths of God’s Word in ways that will be meaningful and relevant to all ages, seeing souls saved and transforming lives forever. Sunday school is a time of discipleship that seeks to promote spiritual growth and understanding of God’s Word. Need help locating your child's class, just ask one of our faithful servants and they will guide you to where they need to be.


SUNDAYS, 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

The next generation of dedicated followers of Christ has their start in the nursery. The nursery ministry is not a babysitting service but a foundational ministry where children are introduced to the truths of God’s Word through Bible stories and activities while being nurtured and loved by a dedicated team of servant volunteers. Before they exit the nursery our desire is to help them to discover the Bible and identify it as  God’s Word,  discover and express worship through song and prayer, and discover a love of the Lord during this phase of creativity and wonder.

Serving six weeks old to 2 years old, the nursery is provided so parents can focus on their personal worship and spiritual growth while trusting that their children are being nurtured and provided with godly training.


SUNDAYS, 10:45 AM to 12:00 PM

Children's Church, Kindergarten to 2nd grade, is a time of singing, Bible lessons, and fun activities.  It is our prayer that the students who attend Children's Church will know that the Bible is God’s Word and is powerful and relevant, containing all the answers to life’s questions. If they have not already, it is our desire that they come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. By the time they exit the Children's Church ministry, we pray that they have been discipled into having a daily, personal devotional time with the Lord and are walking in obedience to His Word. Led by a devoted crew of ministry servants, Children's Church utilizes a large group model to teach valuable truths from God’s Word.


WEDNESDAYS, 5:45 PM to 7:30 PM

TeamKIDS is the Wednesday night Kid's Ministry of Rockwood First Baptist Church. It is designed, first to be evangelistic, introducing children, 1st to 5th grade, to a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Second, it is designed for kids in discipleship! It features Bible memory games and the application of Bible truths, engaging missions videos and activities, and fun activity-based learning all while helping your kids grow to be more like Jesus. Each child is offered a meal each Wednesday evening to provide for their physical health.

Dedicated ministry servants seek to build relationships with each child encouraging their spiritual growth and understanding of who Jesus Christ is and the importance of a personal relationship with Him. Everything taught during this time can stand alone but is encouraged and reinforced through the other children’s ministries of the church.


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